Sunday 12 September 2010

Adventures of Sem - Part V

The day at work passed in a jiffy. It was 9pm in the night when Sem returned to his car in the parking lot. Even as he heard it unlock at a distance, the night security guard wished him a good night. Sem replied with a huge grin looking fondly at the exit & tickled within at the thought of being in the parking lot again! He was humming a loony tune & ruffling his hair.

He got inside the car & pushed the gym gear to the back seat. His long hours at work were costing him his gym routine. Within minutes, he was on his way back…even the traffic did not seem to bother him much & he even noticed the moon through his car window. By the time he reached home, it was 11:30 in the night. Sem went upstairs quickly & peeped through the balcony window. A few perched pigeons looked at him dismayed at being disturbed. He felt like shooing them all away, then thought how fond his folks back home are of feeding birds and let them be. The balcony on the other side was pitch dark. The door was ajar though & Sem reluctantly peeled himself away from the window & quickly settled down.

The next morning he got up pretty early-even before the alarm clock sounded. It was a nice fresh dewy morning. And his pets were dutifully making their wicked groaning noises in the balcony. Instinctively, he went out to shoo them away. He couldn’t help but notice, the door was shut now.

He brewed himself some nice black coffee & perched among his now there-now away pigeon friends facing the balcony on the other side. Girls, he thought, but quickly collected his expanding smile as the door on the other side yawned open…

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