Friday 26 March 2010

The Cow...

[Essay Start]

A cow is a big white animal. It eats a lot of grass and also eats the newspapers I give it. It is always chewing when it is not eating, like the way I eat chewing gum with my friends after school every day. It sometimes sleeps standing. Cow is a very quiet animal and does not talk as much as Fluffy does.

Fluffy barks at cows all the time. He is afraid of their long tail. The tail of the cow has hair on one end, like the end of grandma’s braid. It swishes it all the time to shoo away flies. It has paws that make sounds like my teachers shoes when she walks. The cow has two big horns. The cow sits anywhere not bothered by our car coming towards it. No one asks it to get up.

A cow also gives us milk. People in my village pray to the cow.


1 comment:

Aseem's Limit said...

A childhood is worth a thousand lives.